
Discover the range of careers offered at FCHAIN – the choice is yours. Whichever path you choose, we provide you with a diversity of experiences: prestigious clients, a variety of sectors and different types of missions.

You don’t join FCHAIN by coincidence, you choose FCHAIN: a global school of excellence where you will be challenged to develop and grow. Come and write the rest of (y)our story with us – you’ll make friends along the way too.

Vacancies list

  • Country
  • Turkey
  • Global
  • Azerbaijan
  • Kazakhstan
  • Czech Republic
  • Singapore
  • Georgia
  • Israel
  • Position
  • Country Manager in Türkiye
  • Senior Accountant
  • Junior Legal Advisor
  • HR Department Manager
  • Tax Auditor
  • Tax Advisor
  • Senior Accountant for FCHAIN Kazakhstan
  • Sales Specialist in Kazakhstan
  • Country Manager in Warsaw
  • Accounting Specialist
  • Junior Accountant
  • Social Media Manager
  • Personal Assistant
  • Legal Department Manager
  • Payroll Specialist
  • Payroll Intern
  • Accounting Intern
  • Social Media Manager SMM
  • PR Manager
  • Accountant in Tbilisi
  • Accounting Department Manager
  • Country Manager in Tel Aviv
  • Copywriter 
  • Staff Accountant
  • HR Assistant
  • Accountant
  • Country Manager in Valletta
  • 1C Engineer
  • Category
  • Experienced candidates
  • FChain Internship
Country Manager in Türkiye

Financial Chain Corporation, an outsourcing consulting company looking for a suitable candidate for Country Manager in Türkiye.

  • Country:Turkey
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Senior Accountant

We are looking for Senior Accountant to join our team in Poland!

  • Country:Global
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Junior Legal Advisor

We are looking for a young and ambitious specialist to join our team!


  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
HR Department Manager

We are seeking an experienced HR Manager who is well-versed in all facets of human resources  management and possesses expertise in payroll processing.

The ideal candidate will play a key role in overseeing HR operations, managing employee relations, performance management, and ensuring accurate and timely payroll administration.

This role requires a strategic thinker who can align HR functions with the company’s business  goals while maintaining compliance with labor laws and internal policies.


  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Tax Auditor

We are seeking an experienced Tax Auditor to join our team. The ideal candidate will have a robust accounting background and in-depth knowledge of tax regulations. This highly responsible role involves conducting tax audits for medium to large business entities, ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and providing thorough analyses of financial records. The Tax Auditor will be responsible for the entire audit process of medium-sized accounts and larger accounts of average complexity.


  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates

We are looking for a skilled and experienced HR specialist to join our team!


  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Tax Advisor

Tax Advisor is responsible to provide expert tax advice and solutions, ensuring compliance with
Azerbaijani tax laws and regulations and optimizing their tax positions.

  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Senior Accountant for FCHAIN Kazakhstan

FChain Kazakhstan is looking for detail-oriented Senior Accountant with a proven track record of managing financial transactions, preparing accurate reports, and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. Expertise in accounting and tax legislation, budgeting, and forecasting. Strong leadership skills combined with a meticulous approach to financial management.

To the best candidate we are ready to offer a competitive salary, comfortable conditions in the office in the city center, fixed work schedule without overtime, professional development in a dynamically developing company.

  • Country:Kazakhstan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Sales Specialist in Kazakhstan

Financial Chain Corporation, an outsourcing consulting company looking for a suitable candidate for Sales Specialist in Kazakhstan.

  • Country:Kazakhstan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Country Manager in Warsaw

Financial Chain Corporation, an outsourcing accounting company looking for a suitable candidate for Country Manager in Warsaw.

  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Accounting Specialist

We’re looking for an Accounting Specialist who is able to provide accurate and timely financial information to support decision making within the organization. The Specialist will maintain financial records, prepare financial statements and support the accounting team in various ad-hoc tasks.

  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Junior Accountant

We are looking for a Junior Accountant to perform daily accounting tasks that will support our financial team.


  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Social Media Manager

We are looking for a talented social media manager to administer our social media. Who will be responsible for creating original text and video content, managing posts. Who will manage our company image in a cohesive way to achieve our marketing goals.

  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Personal Assistant

We are seeking a Personal Assistant to provide full executive support to the CEO in diary
management, administration, travel arrangements and meeting preparation and working on
specific projects and research as required. To support and develop key internal and external
stakeholder relationships.

  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Legal Department Manager

The Legal Department Manager is responsible for the company’s legal and compliance
framework. The successful candidate will manage and lead a team of compliance associates to
address commercial issues in all cross-functional areas, including employment law, contract law,
dispute resolution, and business licensing.

  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Payroll Specialist

Payroll Specialist is responsible for processing payroll, ensuring compliance with Azerbaijani
labor laws and regulations, and maintaining accurate employee records.

  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Payroll Intern

We are looking for a Payroll Intern to perform daily accounting tasks that will support
our financial team.

  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: FChain Internship
Accounting Intern

We are looking for an Accounting Intern to perform daily accounting tasks that will support
our financial team.

  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: FChain Internship

We are looking for a skilled and experienced Sales Specialist to join our team!

  • Country:Czech Republic
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Social Media Manager SMM

We are looking for a talented social media manager to administer our social media. Who will be responsible for creating original text and video content, managing posts. Who will manage our company image in a cohesive way to achieve our marketing goals.

  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
PR Manager

We are seeking a Public Relations Manager (PR Manager) to nurture a strong industry network, increase awareness and develop an enviable corporate image by developing and executing effective communication and media relations programs.

  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Legal Department Manager

The Legal Department Manager is responsible for the company’s legal and compliance framework. The successful candidate will manage and lead a team of compliance associates to address commercial issues in all cross-functional areas, including employment law, contract law, dispute resolution, and business licensing.

  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Senior Accountant

Financial Chain Corporation  an outsourcing accounting company looking for a suitable candidate for Senior Accountant. Please send your CV to and indicate the name of the position “Senior Accountant” in the subject line of the email.

  • Country:Singapore
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Payroll Specialist

Financial Chain Corporation is an outsourcing accounting company looking for a suitable candidate for a Payroll Specialist. Please send your CV to and indicate the name of the position, “Payroll Specialist” in the email’s subject line.

Payroll Specialist is responsible for processing payroll, ensuring compliance with Azerbaijani
labor laws and regulations, and maintaining accurate employee records.

  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Accountant in Tbilisi

Financial Chain Corporation is a leading global outsourcing company providing accounting, human resources, employer of record, consulting and legal services. We are providing outsourcing services to a number of companies in Georgia as well as in 13 countries of the world. If you are eager to learn, develop personally and professionally and progress through your career, please apply to the following mail address Please indicate the position you are applying for in the subject line.

  • Country:Georgia
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Senior Accountant


**2-5 წლიანი სამუშაო გამოცდილება უფროსი/მთავარი ბუღალტრის პოზიციაზე;
** ქართული საგადასახადო კოდექსის მაღალ დონეზე ფლობა;
** საოფისე და ბუღალტრული პროგრამების მაღალ დონეზე ცოდნა (უპირატესობად ჩაითვლება პროგრამა FINA);
** რუსულის და ინგლისურის მინიმუმ საშუალო დონეზე ფლობა.


  • Country:Georgia
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Senior Accountant

Financial Chain Corporation is an outsourcing accounting company looking for a suitable candidate for Senior Accountant. Please send your CV to and indicate the name of the position, “Senior Accountant” in the email’s subject line. We are looking for a responsible Senior Accountant to provide personalized secretarial and administrative support in a well-organized and timely manner. You will work on a one-to-one basis on a variety of tasks related to the manager’s working life and communication.

  • Country:Kazakhstan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Payroll Specialist

Payroll Specialist is responsible for processing payroll, ensuring compliance with Azerbaijani labor laws and regulations, and maintaining accurate employee records.

  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Accounting Department Manager

The Accounting Department Manager is responsible for overseeing all financial and accounting activities within the organization. This role requires strong leadership skills, financial expertise, and a deep understanding of Azerbaijani accounting regulations and practices.

  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Tax Advisor

Tax Advisor is responsible for providing expert tax advice and solutions, ensuring compliance with Azerbaijani tax laws and regulations and optimizing their tax positions.

  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Personal Assistant

Financial Chain Corporation is an outsourcing accounting company looking for a suitable candidate for Personal Assistant. Please send your CV to and indicate the name of the position, “Personal Assistant” in the email’s subject line.

We are looking for a responsible Personal Assistant to provide personalized secretarial and administrative support in a well-organized and timely manner. You will work on a one-to-one basis on a variety of tasks related to the manager’s working life and communication.


  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Country Manager in Tel Aviv

Financial Chain Corporation is an outsourcing accounting company looking for a suitable candidate for Country Manager in Tel Aviv, Israel. Please send your CV to and indicate the name of the position, “Country Manager in Tel Aviv,” in the email’s subject line.

  • Country:Israel
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Senior Accountant

Financial Chain Corporation is an outsourcing accounting company looking for a suitable candidate for Senior Accountant in Istanbul, Turkey, to ensure the correct management of the bookkeeping & operations according to corporate Accounting principles and to the local legal requirements.

Please send your CV to and and indicate the name of the position, “Senior Accountant in Istanbul,” in the subject line of the email.

  • Country:Turkey
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates

We are looking for a creative Copywriter to write clear and concise copy for ads, publications, and websites. Your words will inform and engage target audiences. Please send your CV to and indicate the name of the position Copywriter in the subject line of the email.

  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Staff Accountant

საერთაშორისო საბუღალტრო კომპანია “Financial Chain Corporation” (http s:// 2002 წლიდან აქტიურად მუშაობს საერთაშორისო ბაზარზე და უზრუნველყოფს საბუღალტრო, იურიდიული, პერსონალის მართვის და აუთსტაფინგის მომსახურებას.

  • Country:Georgia
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
HR Assistant

Financial Chain Corporation is an outsourcing accounting company looking for a suitable candidate for HR Assistant in Tbilisi, Georgia. Please send your CV to and indicate the name of the position “HR Assistant” in the subject line of the email.

  • Country:Georgia
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates

Our company “Financial Chain Corporation” was founded in 2002 as a young and promising team of experts dealing with various areas of management. Since the beginning of our activity, our team specializes in providing consulting and accounting services for small, medium and large companies.

We are looking for an accountant in our team who will make sure that our accounting works well, help meet the needs of our customers and support the company’s growth.

  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates

Naše společnost “Financial Chain Corporation” byla založena v roce 2002 jako mladý a nadějny kolektiv odborníků zabývajících se různýmí oblastmi managementu. Od počátku své činnosti se náš tým specializuje na poskytování poradenských a účetních služeb pro malé, střední a velké firmy.

Hledáme do našeho týmu účetní, který se postará o to, aby naše účetnictvi dobře fungovalo, pomůže uspokojit potřeby našich zákazníků a podpořit růst společnosti.

Pokud byste se chtělí účastnit výběrového řizení, neváhejte odeslat svůj životopis a my se vám ozveme. Spojíme se s Vámi a společně probereme detaily a další kroky.

  • Country:Czech Republic
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Country Manager in Valletta

Financial Chain Corporation an outsourcing accounting company looking for a suitable candidate for Country Manager in Valletta, Malta. Please send your CV to and indicate the name of the position “Country Manager in Valletta” in the subject line of the email.

  • Country:Czech Republic
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
1C Engineer

FCHAIN is holding a competition for the vacancy “1C Engineer” for experienced programmers 1C: Enterprise 8. Please send your CV to and indicate the name of the position “1C Engeneer” in the subject line of the email.

  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates
Junior Accountant

Financial Chain Corporation an outsourcing accounting company looking for a suitable candidate for  Junior Accountant. Please send your CV to and indicate the name of the position “Junior Accountant” in the subject line of the email.

  • Country:Azerbaijan
  • Position type:Full-time
  • Сategory: Experienced candidates

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