Official Press Release of Financial Chain Corporation. We are entirely responsible for the content and its accuracy and are ready to disclaim or correct any wrong or scammy information we are answerable for. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, please.
02.11.2023 Kazakhstan: News And Accounting Activities, November 2023
Kazakhstan is considering raising the VAT, CIT and Individual Income Tax rates as part of the upcoming 2025 Tax Code revision
06.11.2023 New Tax Rates To Be Implemented As Of 01.10.2023 For Corporate Entıtıes
The recent amendment made in Article 32 of the corporate tax law No. 5520 has resulted in a significant shift in the tax landscape for various institutions.
FCHAIN Corporation, a renowned consulting company with 14 branches worldwide, including Azerbaijan, has been dedicated to providing exceptional services in the fields of finance and legal. In addition to its core business operations, the company has actively engaged in various social initiatives, particularly focusing on supporting youth in sports.
07.11.2023 Economy Chıef Optımıstıc About Türkıye’s Economıc Prospects Amıdst Polıcy Shıfts
In an exclusive interview with the Financial Times, Finance Minister Mehmet Şimşek underscored Türkiye’s promising trajectory while advocating for patience and trust in the country’s economic policy adjustments.
13.11.2023 Fchaın Celebrates 21 Years: Where Busıness Meets Future
FCHAIN Corporation a global consulting company celebrated its 21st birthday. The event was organized by the Baku branch.
15.11.2023 Fchaın Corporatıon Representatıves Attend Azerbaıjan’s Vıctory Day Celebratıon In Uzbekıstan
Tashkent, Uzbekistan — In a festive commemoration of Azerbaijan’s Victory Day, the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Uzbekistan, along with the Azerbaijan Cultural Center named after Heydar Aliyev, hosted a reception and celebratory event at the Wyndham Tashkent hotel.
16.11.2023 Fchaın Corporatıon Tajıkıstan Attend Showcased At Un Women Europe And Central Asıa Expo 2023
In a significant stride towards promoting gender equality and empowering women entrepreneurs, UN Women Europe and Central Asia is set to host a dynamic two-day virtual event, the UN Women Expo 2023.
17.11.2023 Fchaın Corporatıon’s Strategıc Expansıon Into Poland
As previously reported, FCHAIN Corporation, a leading global consulting company with a presence in 14 branches worldwide, is continuing its strategic expansion by establishing a new branch in the European market, specifically in Poland.
17.11.2023 Kazakhstan Introduce Digital Tenge: A Revolutionary Leap Into The Future Of Currency
FCHAIN Corporation is closely following the financial landscape, and the recent official launch of the digital tenge in Kazakhstan has caught our attention.
20.11.2023 Fchain Corporation Expands Its Network: Cooperation With Wolt For Cutting-Edge Accounting Services
Starting November 1st, FCHAIN Corporation is proud to announce a cooperation with Wolt for Accounting Services
20.11.2023 Central Bank Of Uzbekıstan Adopts Inflatıon Targetıng Mechanısm For Economıc Stabılıty
In a bid to mitigate inflationary expectations among businesses and the general populace, the Central Bank (CB) of Uzbekistan has unveiled a new inflation targeting mechanism.
20.11.2023 Expansion Of Middle Corridor Boosts Kazakhstan’s Transport Capacities
Kazakhstan aims to enhance the throughput of the Middle Corridor by constructing terminals at the port of Kuryk. The completion of all terminals at the multifunctional maritime terminal “Sarzha” in the port of Kuryk, Kazakhstan, by 2030 is set to increase the capacity of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (Middle Corridor) by 10 million tons annually.
21.11.2023 Open Dialogue Explores Taxation And E-Commerce Development In Tajikistan
On November 16, 2023, within the framework of the Global Entrepreneurship Week in Tajikistan, an open dialogue among stakeholders was conducted to shape the ecosystem and foster the development of e-commerce.
27.11.2023 Türkiye Launches Aggressive Approach Towards Gold: Signs Of Economic Measures Easing
In a follow-up to the relaxation of the quota designed to curtail gold imports in September, recent developments indicate a renewed surge in Turkey’s gold imports, particularly from Switzerland.
In a historic event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the revered leader Heydar Aliyev and Azerbaijan’s athletics centenary, the inaugural 100 km ultramarathon took place within the picturesque grounds of the National Seaside Park…
28.11.2023 Key Insights Into The State Budget Of The Republic Of Tajikistan For 2024
In a recent update, the Insurance Fund of Individuals has shared crucial information regarding the State Budget of the Republic of Tajikistan for the upcoming year, 2024.