Kazakhstan is considering raising the VAT, CIT and Individual Income Tax rates as part of the upcoming 2025 Tax Code revision
- VAT: the possibility of raising the VAT rate from 12% to 16% is currently under review
- CIT: there is a proposal to raise the CIT rate for the commodity and financial sectors, as well as the gambling business to 25-30%
- PIT: there is an ongoing consideration of raising the personal income tax rate for wage income exceeding 40 million tenge
- Full list of accounting activities in November you may see below:
- Calculation and payment of wages for October: 1 – 10 of November, 2023
- Submission of tax reporting –
before November, 15
- calculation of CIT at source for the 3rd quarter of 2023 according to form 101.04 and 101.03
- submission of individual income tax and social tax for the 3rd quarter of 2023 in form 200.00
- submission of VAT return for the 3rd quarter of 2023 in form 300.00
- submission of an excise duty tax return in the form 400.00 and calculation for subdivisions in the form of 421.00
- submission of export rent tax return for the 3rd quarter of 2023 in form 570.00
- submission of mineral extraction tax return for the 3rd quarter of 2023 in form 590.00
- Gambling tax and fixed tax return for the 3rd quarter of 2023 on form 710.00
- declaration on payment for the use of water resources of surface sources for the 3rd quarter of 2023 on form 860.00
- declaration on payment for emissions into the environment for the 3rd quarter of 2023 in the form 870.00
- declaration for taxpayers applying special tax regime of retail tax for the 3rd quarter of 2023 in the form 913.00
before November, 20
- EEU for received imports – submission of an import application in the form 328.00 and payment of VAT
- Payment of taxes:
Before November, 6
- individuals engaged in private practice pay PIT (personal income tax)
Before November, 20
- excise + excise for aggregate customs payment
Before November, 27
- salary taxes and contributions and other taxes
- Withholding tax and advance payments for CIT
- digital mining fee
- other taxes
- Submission of statistical reporting according to schedule for your business activities
- Other activities in area of primary documentation checkup/collection, reconciliation acts and matching of electronic invoices on state portal with 1C or other software; daily bookkeeping activities.
article prepared by Nuritova Fatima
1st of November 2023