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In this article, we propose to discuss new realities and business requirements that were the result of previously unheard-of circumstances: pandemic, quarantine, restrictions on free movement and changes in the lifestyle of each person, declaration of states of emergency in many countries, closure of country borders and communication routes between settlements. It is impossible to deny the fact that we faced such circumstances for the first time, quarantine has made its own changes in the labor market and in usual picture of doing business that has been observed over the past years. Obviously, business and the labor market have undergone major changes, many of which are irreversible.
The transition to the “home office” and “online” modes for those companies, where it was acceptable, put them in a stupor: it is not clear how to maintain the efficiency of staff work, not to mention how to increase this very efficiency, how to control what must be taken into account in such a mode of work, how will employees cope and, the most important question – how will this ultimately affect the profit of the company and the company as a whole? The workload on management, supervisors, human resources and the individual employee in each organization has grown exponentially.
In addition to tracking the fulfillment of duties, office work, and production of the company’s main product or service, work also appeared on the preparation of additional documentation for labor contracts, adjustment of payments, additional charges / settlements, filing applications for compensation payments, if there was a situation of sending on leave without maintenance, and paid leave has been exhausted; termination of employment contracts or phased issuance of work permits. Again, it is important not to miss that, in addition to the main tasks, employees were engaged in this work, being in the mode of work from home, often in a stressful state.
The bottom line is: the volume of work increased, the volume of orders and, accordingly, the profit remained at the same level at best, but more often we observe the dynamics of a reduction in these indicators and it is necessary to make more and more efforts to make a profit. What to do in such a difficult situation and how to continue doing business in difficult conditions and the inability to predict the future even for short periods? The answer is: it is necessary to become more flexible, to avoid additional work processes arising as a result of force majeure, to minimize the volume of secondary processes as much as possible. Only this will make it possible to use the available resources most effectively for the development and production of the main business, and for making a profit. How, you ask?
The tool that answers these questions already exists on the market, but so far it is mainly used by large foreign enterprises, and even in calm times allowed many companies to remain leading in their industries. We are talking about the personnel rental service or, as we used to call it, outstaffing. In simple terms: the client gets the desired result, while completely avoiding the secondary tasks associated with hired personnel. During quarantine, each employer was faced with outstaffing in the very essence, with the only difference that he bore all the responsibility and load on his own. Having gained such experience and having experienced the outstaffing tool on ourselves, we propose to facilitate the process and entrust the care of personnel to professionals, which in turn will allow to get rid of many problems and secondary tasks, focus resources on the development of the core business, getting only the necessary result from the function of hired personnel.
FCHAIN offers a turnkey outstaffing service with a flexible approach to prices. If you are not ready to go directly to the personnel rental service, we can offer various services that will help optimize the workload of the enterprise, namely: payroll service, personnel reporting, personnel records management, registration of employment contracts and their termination for state portal. Trust the professionals with the best practices to take care of the secondary business tasks and dare to grow your company light. We are ready to provide the necessary support and help with adaptation to new realities, and our prices for personnel care services and the level of professionalism will pleasantly surprise. In new circumstances, we will also have to act in a new way, let’s do it together!
- Author: Gunel Musa
Public Relations Manager
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