Resolution No. 507, dated December 26, 2022, signed by Irakli Garibashvili, Prime Minister of Georgia, with the attachment to the list of industries with a specific working mode approved in the country.
The attachment of to list of industries with a specific work regime was approved under Article 24, Clause 3 of Chapter II of the Labour Code of Georgia and Article 6, Clause 1 of the Law of Georgia.
The working hours of no more than 48 hours per week should be applied only to enterprises the production process of which requires a continuous regime of more than 8 hours and where the continuity of the labour process determines normal work of the enterprise, while the discontinuity of the labour process will result in production interruptions in an enterprise with a specific work mode.
Article 2 of the present Resolution applies only in enterprises where there is a need for the continuity of the work or production.
In case of disagreement between the parties while determining the enterprises provided for in Article 2 or the employees provided for in Article 3, the employer, group of employees at least 20% of them) or “Professional Relations” established by the Organic Law of Georgia, the issue is discussed by the advisory body under the chief labour inspector.
The enterprises and organizations with a specific working mode were defined under Resolution 10 of the Council of the National Statistical Service of Georgia dated June 28, 2016:
- agriculture, forestry, and fish farming,
- electricity, gas, steam, and conditioned air supply,
- water supply, sewage, waste management, and decontamination activities,
- transport and storage,
- information and communication – Telecommunications,
- administrative and support service activities,
- management of taxation systems, collection of taxes on goods, and investigation of tax violations,
- health care, education, cultural services, and other social services, except social security,
- production, distribution, and transmission of electricity,
- professional activity of lawyers related to the process in the courts, other law enforcement bodies, temporary placement isolators, or penitentiary institutions stipulated under the Law of Georgia “On Legal Act”,
- protection of the environment: hydrometeorology, nuclear and radiation safety, protected areas, use of natural resources, excluding oil and gas.
The Resolution of the Government of Georgia dated December 11, 2013, was declared to lose its effect on January 1, 2023, and Resolution No. 507 on the list of industries with a specific work mode enters into force from the date of its publication.