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Taxpayers’ Responsibilities in Tajikistan

Taxpayers’ Responsibilities in Tajikistan

The members of the Lower Chamber of the Parliament of the Tajikistan Republic adopted the revised draft of the Tax Code of the country on November 3, 2021. The number of taxes was reduced from 10 to 7, and the rate of income tax from 13% to 12% as a result of discussions.

The share of the VAT, being 40%, was agreed to decrease from 18% to 15% starting January 1, 2022.

In 2023, the rate of VAT will be reduced to 14%, and in January 2027, to 13%. The 18% VAT rate will be increased to 19% in 2024 and 20% in 2027 for cash transactions.

There are other new amendments and regulations to be implemented gradually in the Tax Code of the country. All the new changes in the Tax Code were made taking into account the interests of business entities, mainly manufacturers.

There are 399 Articles in the Tax Code of Tajikistan. According to Article 34 of the New Tax Code of the Republic of Tajikistan, a taxpayer is obliged:

– to register with the tax authorities as a taxpayer according to the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan;

– to register as a payer of value-added tax in the order established by the Tax Code;

– to keep records of their income and expenses, objects of taxation under the tax legislation;

-to fulfill the tax obligations within the time limits established by the Code;

– to fulfill lawful requests of tax authorities on the elimination of revealed violations of tax legislation, as well as not to interfere with their lawful activity while carrying out their official duties;

– to allow tax authority officials to inspect the property which is subject to taxation;

-represent the tax statements and documents to the relevant tax bodies under the Tax Code;

-to provide the use of control and cash devices and other devices of outlet;

– to store business documentation and tax accounting, the electronic and or paper form during the term under the Tax Code;

-to prepare the relevant documents for checking on the purpose of tax audit;

-to carry out an inventory of the property according to the legislation on financial counting;

– to submit the tax authorities the following documents within five working days about:

  1. a) the establishment or termination of its separate subdivisions;
  2. b) the decision on reorganization, liquidation (termination of activities), or bankruptcy;
  3. c) the change of the applied tax regime, accounting procedure, place of business (residence), and contact.

-while carrying out any actions leading to tax obligations, require the counterparty to have a document confirming the state registration with the tax authority as a taxpayer;

– to fulfil other obligations as a taxpayer under the Tax Code…

The amendments and changes made to the Tax Code serve to prevent tax avoidance, reduce tax compliance time, simplify tax procedures, and support both the tax authorities and the taxpayers’ activities.

For detailed information about the Tax Code of the Republic of Tajikistan, please refer to the following links:



http://andoz.tj/docs/kodex/tax_code_RT_01.01.2022_ru.pdf  (in Russian)

https://www.idmib.org.tr/files/downloads/Belgeler/2022/Ek2_Draft%20of%20Tax%20Code%20of%20the%20Republic%20of%20Tajikistan.pdf  (in English)s


  • Author: Gunel Musa

Public Relations Manager



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