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Our Prague Branch Shifts To Remote Work - FCHAIN
The first three confirmed (SARS-CoV-2) cases in the Czech Republic were reported on March 1, 2020, and on March 12, 2020, the government went ahead to declare a state of emergency. Since then, our country has been faced with an ongoing battle with COVID; recently, the situation has gotten uncontrollable to the extent that the government has also asked its neighboring countries to take in dozens of their patients as hospitals in Prague have now reached a critical point.
The Czech Republic remains the hardest-hit region globally, and many newly infected patients have intensified pressure on the healthcare system. Keeping in light the current conditions and keeping everyone’s health in consideration, FChain is now switching towards remote work until March 22. This switch is only for our branch in Prague. While the shift to remote work will be an inconvenience to some of our customers, we have taken this step to help reduce the spread of the contagion and help reduce the load on our local healthcare workers.
Health Minister Jan Blatny recently came out with a statement where he revealed that in some regions, hospitals have ended up exhausting their capacity and are no longer able to provide appropriate care or even accept new patients without any help from others. The government has also come forward with statements where they are claiming that many infected people have also not disclosed the names of people they were in contact with because this move could result in financial disadvantages to family and friends. We at FChain aim to reduce that pressure on our employees by shifting our model entirely online, and this will still allow people to come in at work and not feel financially disadvantaged even when they are susceptible to the virus. Our employees can also practice proper care at home while work goes on as usual. We also strive to ensure that both our employees and customers are comfortable and relaxed while working and strongly encourage our employees to take-offs when they are not well.
- Author: Gunel Musa
Public Relations Manager
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