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March in Kazakhstan is distinguished by a large number of rest days due to two holidays: International Women’s Day on March 8, we rest on this holiday for three days in a row and the celebration of Nauryz from March 21 to 23, we rest for Nauryz for five days, taking into account the transfer of weekends.
The month of March is also the last month for submition of annual reports for 2020 and the deadline for submitting due to holidays is not postponed, all the same – the last day for submitting annual reports is March 31, 2021.
In addition to the annual financial statements in March, there are other activities with own deadlines, depending on the type business activitiy of company:
- Calculation and payment of wages for February: 1 – 10 of March, 2021
- Submission of tax reporting –
before March 15, 2021, it is necessary to submit an excise duty tax return in the form 400.00 and calculation for subdivisions in the form of 421.00;
before March 25:
- EEU for received imports – submission of an import application in the form 328.00 and payment of VAT;
- Declaration on payment for emissions into the environment up to 100 MCI for 2020 in the form of 870.00;
before March 31:
- CIT declaration in forms 100.00, 110.00, 150.00 and 180.00 for 2020;
- Withholding tax calculation for accrued but unpaid amounts of non-resident’s income in the form of 101.04 for the 4th quarter of 2020;
- IIT declaration on forms 220.00, 240.00 for 2020;
- Tax declaration for surplus profit on forms 540.00 for 2020;
- Declaration on taxes on property, land and transport in the form of 700.00 for 2020;
- Register of lease agreements in the form 871.00 for 2020;
- Declaration on Special Tax Treatments with deduction for fixed in the form of 912.00 for 2020;
- Declaration of the single land tax in form 920.00 for 2020;
- Payment of the following types of taxes:
before March 5, individuals engaged in private practice pay IIT
before March 25:
- Excise;
- EEU taxes;
- Limit on the redemption fees for emissions into the environment to MCI 100;
- Wages taxes;
- Withholding tax;
- Other taxes;
- Submission of statistical reporting
- Other activities in area of primary documentation checkup/collection, reconciliation acts and matching of electronic invoices on state portal with 1C or other software; daily bookkeeping activities.
The month of March is rich not only in holidays, but also very eventful in the field of accounting and tax bookkeeping. FChain congratulates everyone on the beginning of Spring and offers services of professional accountants. We are ready to take on any worries of your business, presenting in return valuable time and resources for the development and growth of the main business!
Article is prepared by Ekaterina Kassumova
- Author: Gunel Musa
Public Relations Manager
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