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  • Changes in Tax Code of Kazakhstan are adopted on November, 25

Changes in Tax Code of Kazakhstan are adopted on November, 25

A number of significant changes to the Tax Code of RoK were adopted and will come into force on January 1, 2022. Changes affected:

  • Elimination of use of the minimum wage as a calculation indicator by replacing it with a monthly calculation indicator
  • Perform in a simplified manner a VAT refund in the amount of up to 80% when exporting goods by business entities, that have converted foreign currency into tenge at least 50% of foreign exchange earnings received from the export of raw materials
  • A simplified procedure for registration and payment of VAT by foreign Internet companies providing goods and services in the Republic of Kazakhstan is provided.
  • The introduction of post-payment of excise duty for domestic producers is envisaged


Due to frequent worldwide changes and changes inside of our country, main codes and rules change every 3-6 months. It is hard to follow up all necessary changes for well-run of business. We offer professional services from FChain team in accounting, legal and HR fields in order you may focus on main business while we care about administrative area.

  • Author: Gunel Musa

Public Relations Manager



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