Financial audit

Accurate and timely financial reporting is an area of Financial Chain Corporation auditing. FCHAIN provides audit services that help clients to achieve the highest possible level of reliable financial statements without any substantive errors and misstatements (within reasonable limits).

While conducting an audit, the priority of which is intended to ensure the accuracy of financial statements for the user, we strive to obtain a conception of the internal control framework within the organization to estimate the risk of fraud. We must collect audit evidence to confirm the amounts and the detected information. For that purpose, we make necessary procedures: inquiries, third-party observations, and confirmations, physical examination, analysis and verification of the data achieved, etc.

FCHAIN team consultants are professionals who demonstrate the highest level of fulfilling financial audits and applying the modern approach to audit methodology. Our skill has also allowed us to integrate an individual policy when planning audits that help to eradicate all the risks reliably.

Financial Chain Corporation offers well-trained and experienced staff and brings local audit managers to most locations where audits are conducted to provide well-timed and efficient interaction. In practice, our policy of applying managers and partners to manage our audit teams is considered the main point of clients’ contentment with our audit of the company’s financial statements.

FCHAIN Corporation audit experts conduct independent and unbiased audits with you on your territory, giving special attention to ensuring their assistance and relevant support. Their methods and strategy of implementing the detailed inspection are adapted to your business area and specific field of specialization to guarantee maximum financial reporting transparency and audit cost-effectiveness.

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