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Aspects of licensing in Kazakhstan

Due to the dynamic growth of economic indicators, more and more versatile areas of business activity are emerging in Kazakhstan. At the same time, not all entrepreneurs fully comply with the law when implementing their ideas. In Kazakhstan, there are many areas of business that require licensing.  The need to obtain a license in Kazakhstan applies to many areas of business, including industry, health care, education, the financial sector and other sectors of strategic importance or high security requirements.

The licensing procedure is governed by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including the Law “On Permits and Notifications”, as well as special regulations governing licensed activities. Obtaining a license is required for legal entities and individuals planning to engage in activities subject to state control.

A license is a permit issued by the licensor to an individual or legal entity, as well as to a branch of a foreign legal entity, whose subject of activity is a licensed type of activity or a subspecies of a licensed type of activity associated with a high level of danger.


Below are a few areas of activity in Kazakhstan that require licensing, with the entire list of licensed activities larger:

  • education;
  • architecture, urban planning and construction;
  • health care;
  • turnover of weapons, military equipment and certain types of weapons, explosives and products with their use;
  • financial sphere and activities related to concentration of financial resources;
  • gambling business;
  • services for individuals and legal entities;
  • production and turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic beverages, production of tobacco products;
  • turnover of poisonous substances;
  • ensuring information security.

Who and how in Kazakhstan issue a license for certain activities?

 A license in Kazakhstan is issued by local or territorial executive bodies.

To obtain a license and (or) an annex to a license, the applicant shall submit the following documents:

1) application;

2) for legal entities engaged in financial activities and activities related to the concentration of financial resources, as well as activities related to the turnover of civil and service weapons and ammunition, activities related to the turnover of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, precursors, activities related to the implementation of security activities – a copy of the charter (notarized in case of failure to submit originals for verification);

3) certificate of state registration (re-registration) of the applicant’s legal entity – for a legal entity;

4) copy of an identity document – for a natural person;

5) copy of the document confirming the payment of the license fee for the right to engage in certain types of activities, except for cases of payment through the payment gateway of “electronic government”;

6) documents confirming the applicant’s compliance with qualification requirements in cases and in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Terms of consideration of the application for issuance of license.

The license and (or) an annex to the license or a reasoned refusal in their issuance shall be issued by the state body not later than fifteen working days, except for licenses and (or) annexes to licenses in the field of atomic energy use, financial sphere and activities related to concentration of financial resources, education, hydrocarbons (the term of issuance of such licenses may be significantly longer).



Licensing in Kazakhstan plays an important role in providing legal regulation of activities related to increased requirements to safety, quality of services and compliance with state standards. It allows the government to control key industries, reduce potential risks and protect the interests of citizens.

The licensing procedure in the country is quite structured and regulated by legislative norms, which ensures transparency and predictability for business. However, in order to successfully obtain and renew a license it is important to comply with all established requirements, provide a full package of documents and follow changes in legislation. FChain Kazakhstan team is ready to help you and your business with legal support in the procedure of obtaining a license.



Article is prepared by Sergey Gaidarov,

Lawyer of FChain Kazakhstan

5th of February 2025

  • Author: Gunel Musa

Public Relations Manager



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