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Accounting is the Language of Business

Sometimes the terms bookkeeping and accounting replace each other used in the same meaning. But there is a difference between them. Bookkeeping is recording of financial transactions, but accounting include  analysis, classification, reporting and summarization of the financial data of a a firm.

Tax preparation and consultation, tracking expenses and income, and other procedures are common accounting services. Accounting is producing accurate financial records and executing efficient recordkeeping practices in accordance with the law. They are considered “bread and butter” of accounting.

There are a  few types of accounting: public, management, governmental, internal audit, bookkeeping, tax accounting and so on.

Accounting is very important while running business. Sometimes, small enterprises or starters are not able to keep accountants in the office and apply to the professional services of outsourcing companies. Using the services of such firms or companies they can pay more attention to their core business. It is better to use accounting services to improve record processes and produce data giving you opportunity to grow your business better and realize your vision.

Accounting services provide different payroll services including preparing of payroll, tax calculation, filing payroll taxes, calculating and recording of deductions or other employee benefits.

Firms and entrepreneurs need deep analysis of financial information before making important business decisions. As it is time-taking process and distracts from the main functions of the business, better to apply to professional outsourcing companies.

Financial Chain Corporation’s Bishkek branch is a professional outsourcing company having professional, capable and qualified staff, who have already attracted the business sphere’s attention providing corresponding, timely and high quality services in Kyrgyzstan. The accounting services provided by the professionals and experts of the office include:

  • Developing of accounting and tax accounting methods;
  • Choosing a suitable accounting system;
  • Preparation of a system for exchange of documentation and data between different segments of accounting ;
  • Management of accounting documents, preparation of accounting, banking and statistical documentation, reporting and submission of necessary tax returns to tax bodies and government funds and so on.

Sometimes, firms and entrepreneurs do not pay attention to accounting documents and they need their restoration.  FCHAIN Bishkek office renders services on restoration of accounting.   The experts detect gaps and errors in the primary documentations and prevent them to affect the economic activities of the company.

Restoration of accounting documents is required when the activity of a company was suspended and   required documents were not submitted, as well as when there is a risk of getting fines due to financial and economic activities as a result of noncompliance with the requirements of the legislation.  Failure of computer hardware or software can lead to restoration of accounting too. All these problems are properly resolved by FCHAIN Bishkek branch.

The office successfully performs analysis of reporting documents, search and elimination of errors, omissions, draws up a revised correct balance to restore accounting, primary and other documents.

Experienced and knowledgeable employees provide payroll services which are considered an important accounting service. Preparation of payroll and records take too much time even for a small firm. It includes gathering employee information, establishing a time tracing system, organizing and automating of payroll systems.

“Accounting is the language of business” Warren Buffet (an American businessman and philanthropist).

FCHAIN Bishkek professionals do not only know accounting, as well as finance and economics which are considered to be “languages of business” as well. So, use the services of the branch mastering business languages.



Tel: +996312975240

E-mail: bishkek@f-chain.com










  • Author: Gunel Musa

Public Relations Manager



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