18th International Caspian Investment Forum continues its second day in Prague moderating by Zaur Gadirov, Managing Partner of Financial Chain Corporation, Chairman of the Board of Caspian Energy Club Czechia and Teymur Akhundov, Country Manager of FCHAIN Czechia Office also with speakers Zaur Gardashov, Advisor to Chairman of the Board of KOBIA, Petr Buchtyar, Export Consultant of Czech Trade, Petr Krumphanzl, Economist, Advisor, former Chairman of CZ-UKR Chamber of Commerce, Yalin Yuregil, Chairman of Czech-Turkish Joint Chamber of Commerce, Vaclav Lidl, Head of the East Europe, West Balkans and Central Asia Division of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, Suleyman Majidli Founder and CEO of Energazer Company, Kalyani Inampudi, International Consultant in Sustainability, ESG and Carbon.
It should be noted that the purpose of the event is to expand business ties between countries, create new opportunities for investment and cooperation, as well as exchange ideas about business environment of different countries. Joint Bridges and Caspian Energy Club Czechia are the organizers of the forum held with the participation of both representatives of government agencies and potential partners of the business environment.