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Register and Liquidate Your Company Using Services of FChain Bishkek

What is registration of a company? It is the initial and legal part of establishing or incorporating the company by the business owner. First of all, entrepreneurs should choose a business type they want and then start the process. The process needs a lot of data, paperwork and procedures to complete the full registration. A person has the right to become the legal owner of a company only when he is legally registered.

The company registration procedure includes: preparation of required documents, registration of a legal address, presenting nominee services on professional level, i.e. a shareholder, director, partner, notarial conformation of the documents, accounting, preparation of financial statements, audit and submission of reports to the ta authority, obtaining a certificate of Good Standing, opening a bank account and so on.

Liquidation is the process when the company becomes insolvent, i.e. it can not duly pay its obligations, the company operations end, the remaining assets are used to pay creditors and shareholders. When a company are not able to continue functioning liquidating the assets is the best exit strategy. “Liquidation” is sometimes used informally to describe a company seeking to divest of some of its assets. Thus, liquidation is the process when a business is brought to an end and its assets are distributed to claimants. In short, it is a formal process causing the closure of a limited company.

Both registration and liquidation of a company require filing a number of documents to be prepared professionally and accordingly. Companies starting business or liquidating it do not have to keep full time employees to execute such work. They may rely on services of Financial Chain Corporation’s Bishkek branch, the staff of which consists of highly-qualified lawyers, accountants and experts who perform their tasks fully complying with the requirements of the law. The professionals of the office offer and guarantee qualitative services both in registration and liquidation of a company.

Staff proficiency of FChain Bishkek has been proven to be one of the best in Kyrgyzstan and they will select the most optimal organizational form for your future business activities, preparing all required documents for a company registration leading to prosperity and growth of your business. Qualified tax experts and lawyers will select the most favorable type of taxation system and provide with professional advice. The competent legal support of our staff will give you a chance to avoid risks and unneeded waste of time, effort and money. Your services will be provided by the Bishkek branch in the shortest time and for affordable prices. Our staff are qualified in registration of companies of all forms both in the capital and other towns of Kyrgyzstan.

Liquidation of a company is a difficult process requiring deep knowledge of the current legislation, enough experience to complete the work successfully and correspondingly. Choosing right strategy is the main aspect in executing of any task, as well as in liquidation of a company. The professional lawyers of FChain Bishkek provide legal assistance for favorable liquidation of companies irrespective of their forms and activities.  Highly qualified employees guarantee confidentiality and desired results in executing tasks by reducing risks and financial burden of their clients.

So, entrusting registration or liquidation of your company, you will not waste time and money, avoid incompetent work and have your work done promptly and correspondingly complying with all requirements of law. Do not hesitate and start cooperating with FChain Bishkek.







  • Author: Gunel Musa

Public Relations Manager



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