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  • FChain Russia Completed a Project for “Doppelmayr Russia”

FChain Russia Completed a Project for “Doppelmayr Russia”


Been recognized the leading company in the world in the field of design and construction of turnkey ropeways Doppelmayr was founded in Wolfurt, Austria in 1892 (as Konrad Doppelmayr &Sohn) and started to manufacture ropeways in 1937. Garaventa was founded in Switzerland in 1928. Artur Doppelmayr, the grandson of the founder and Emil Doppelmayr, the son of the Austrian businessman became managing director of the Company in 1967. The decision of merging of Doppelmayr (Austria) and Garaventa AG (Switzerland) was announced in 2001 and completed in 2002.  Doppelmayr/Garaventa Group have started as one single Company having produced over 15.000 installations in 96 countries.

The company has a number of subsidiaries in the world, Russia being one of them. Doppelmayr Russia LLC was registered on 23.03.2012 in Moscow (Russia). Its main activity is non-specialised wholesale trade, as well as engineering and design of construction costs of cable roads, procurement of necessary equipment, manufacture of metal structures, installation and construction work.

FChain Russia has successfully completed the project  for “Doppelmayr Russia” LLC on the preparation of  legal memorandum on taxation with the following countries: the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan, The Republic of Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The staff analysed the requirements of tax, accounting, construction and other legislation rules connected with the work, i.e. design, construction and installation in extremely hazardous manufacturing sites to be carried out by the Customer (Doppelmayr Russia) in the countries stated above. The importance of obtaining license, permits and other documents for realization of design, installation and construction work in highly dangerous production sites have been studied as well.

FChain Russia has proven to be professional in executing services of any complexity to Doppelmayr Russia and hopes to have a long-term cooperation with it, as they ensure its clients to execute their work timely and accordingly.




  • Author: Gunel Musa

Public Relations Manager



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